Monday, April 12, 2010

Vray Fast SSS2 Materials

I used Vray's Fast SSS2 material with celluar for the Vray Displacement map as well as for Subsurface Scatter maps.


  1. Looks really cool, you have a lot of great renders. You have any tips for settings and textures I might use to make Greek statue type old marble look with FastSSS2?

    1. Hi Alexander, Sorry I missed this. Apparently I'm not being informed when i get posts. I haven't played a lot with marble but I might give it a shot today.

    2. Start out with the preset Marble (white). It looks like a good place to start. For me, getting the material optimized for speed is the hardest part.

    3. Also, Go take a look at this:

    4. thanks for the reply! Yeah I had a pretty epic battle with VRay some time after posting that comment, trying to optimize FastSSS2 properly. My DMC sampler settings or something were unusual and were causing it to be super slow, but eventually I go it worked out. Maybe it's easier in VRay 3. I haven't upgraded yet because I've been working on other stuff.

    5. Working the way that tutorial suggests really sped up Fast SSS 22 for me. I'm in 3 and it has some added variables that make it a little easier and I think faster but i haven't dove into that aspect of it yet.

    6. I meant to ask how did your marble turn out?

    7. I actually never did make the marble, I had a change of plans. But I learned a lot of stuff about SSS that I think will come in handy on other things, like skin.

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