Monday, December 16, 2013

Missouri Barn - Pen and Ink

This is a commissioned work that I just finished.  The barn is located in North West Missouri.  This photo of the drawing is a little dark.

To see more of my pen and ink drawings go to

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Vray Fast SSS2 - Scatter Radius and Phase Function Settings

The images below try to illustrate the results of various values in the Fast SSS2 attributes Scatter Radius and Phase Function

Vray Fog Bias and Fresnel Settings

I made these two images to show the effects of changing the Fog Bias setting (top image) and the Fresnel Reflections setting (bottom image).  


The 2 Back Rows have a Diffuse color of 0,0,0.  The Back Row has a Reflect color of 220,135,0. The Left most column does not have the Fresnel reflections box checked.  The most right pawn in the back row has a Reflection Glossiness of 0.5. All others have a value of 0.8.  Feel free to download these two images if you find them useful.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mason City at Delaware and First Street SE - Pen and Ink drawing

This is a Pen and Ink drawing I did a while ago.  I just never got around to posting it here.  It is of Mason City at Delaware and First Street SE I believe.  I think the large building is the Brick and Tile building.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cell Phone rendered with Vray

Low polygon model with a low resolution texture on it. Not so hot but kind of interesting. Works great for distant shots but not so hot for close-ups.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Animation of Vray Fur for Grass

This is a fly over some grass that I used Vray Fur for. The compression is really poor so it is kind of hard to tell what you're looking at.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Vray Fur as Grass on a Large Hill

I decreased the density of the fur and it sped up quite a bit.

Vray Fur as Grass on a Large Hill

This took a really long time to render on my machine.  I'll have to see what I can do to make it faster. This is Vray Fur with a noise map used for Length and Density.

Vray Fur for Splotchy Grass

I used the same noise map for the Length and Density maps of Vray Fur.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tall Grass using Vray Fur

I used Vray fur for this.  I also used a noise map for the Length Map.  This image could use some post work.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Vray Gold Material Test

This is a test of a Vray Gold Material.  I'm always trying to find a good gold material.  I'm not there yet but here it is so far. The lighting is poor.  I just dropped lights in and didn't really place them.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pen and Ink Drawing of Mason City, Iowa

This is a pen and ink drawing that I did of an area in Mason City, Iowa.  It is 21" x 13" (aprox) and is done on cold press watercolor paper.  I didn't have enough light and I didn't have my tripod so this image might look a little grainy and blurry.

To see more of my pen and ink drawings go to